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Hoahio - Peek-Ara-Boo (CD/Album/2003)

Original price 2,200 JPY

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■ Peek-Ara-Boo ■ by Hoahio (Haco + Yagi MIchiyo + Era Mari) 「PEEK-ARA-BOO」 ホアヒオ (HACO + 八木美知依 + 恵良真理) Tracklist / 曲目 1- DJ Hashimoto 2- Pond Skater (Amembo) 3- Tightrope Walkin' 4- Cach Thao Lap 5- Yachiyo View 6- My Sister, the Wind 7- Neco 8- Let's Meet in Idaho 9- Tribal Markets 10- Another Dream 11- Knitting Crane *Includes 3-folded cover & sheet *3つ折りジャケット & シート付 Haco: vocals, electric mandolin, effects, synthesizers, jew's harp, electronics, theremin Yagi Michiyo 八木美知依: kotos, chorus, prepared shamisen, spoken voice Era Mari 恵良真理: drums, vibraphone, percussion, bass marimba, bamboo xylophone ♪Samples / 試聴 https://soundcloud.com/hacohacodotnet/dj-hashimoto https://soundcloud.com/hacohacodotnet/pond-skater "Hoahio's second CD is even more quirky and varied than the first. Joining koto virtuoso Yagi Michiyo and Kansai vocalist Haco this time is Era Mari, a remarkable young percussionist from Kyoto. Her brilliant vibes and marimba playing gives this release a bit of a Beefheart flavor, but of course there's much more than that. Noisy improv, charming folksongs and romantic moods from this classic trio out of Japan." —Tzadik (USA) ■ Label / レーベル ■ Tzadik (TZ 7245) (USA) ☁ Details / 詳細 http://www.japanimprov.com/indies2/tzadik/peekaraboo.html ☁ Reviews (excerpts) / レビュー (抜粋) "The beautifully detailed production of Haco's songs have always had a way of blinding the listener's ear to the tense of juxtapositions of genre, tonality and improvisatory process that underlie their structures. Similarity, Hoahio can something comes across as gloriously painted automata, surface gloss concealing the finely tooled mass of gears and wheels spinning away beneath. But occasionally, as on the opening "DJ Hashimoto", the music's complexity and perverse virtuosity bubble up from under the dayglo mask. A dirty blues riff on electric mandolin is interrupted by the knitting needle sound of speed skates on ice, before a hardcore snare and cymbal beat licks in. Koto and mandolin mesh into a highly unlikely but very convincing rock stomp, while Haco sings nonsense about her cat - the DJ Hashimoto of the title - over the top." —Alan Cummings (The Wire, UK - January 2004) "柔らかさをキープしながらもパーカッシヴな味わいがプラスされ、日本語が際立つヴォーカルには力強さすら感じる。ブルースから雅楽までブレンドしたような曲作りも素晴らしく、壮大なスケールの終盤の展開には息を呑むのだ。初々しく愛らしいのに艶やかしい、ほんとうにすてきなすてきなCDである。" —行川和彦 (CROSSBEAT, JP - 2004年3月) "シンセサイザー、箏、マンドリン、テレミン、声、ヴァイオリン、パーカッションetc...。着せ替え人形を楽しむように楽器を組み合わせ、実験と鼻歌を絶妙の呼吸で行き来するそのしなやかさは男子からみればタメ息もの。加えてHacoの言葉を借りるなら <きゅんとした強さ> が本作にはあって、なにか熱烈な石を秘めてちんと座っているアイロンのよう。全編を通してたまらなくラヴリーなのに清々しい緊張感が貫いているのは、そういう強さがあるからに違いない。本作はアートのラヴレターにみせかけた果たし状なのかも。" —村尾康郎 (Musée / Tower Records, JP - 2004年1月)

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