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After Dinner - Paradise of Replica / Paradise of Remixes (CD/Album/2001)

2,500 JPY

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■ Paradise of Replica / Paradise of Remixes ■ by After Dinner 「パラダイス・オブ・レプリカ / パラダイス・オブ・リミックス」 アフター・ディナー Tracklist / 曲目 Paradise of Replica 1- Paradise of Replica 2- A Walnut 3- Kitchen Life I 4- Motercycle 5- Kitchen Life II 6- Ironclad Mermaid 7- Dancing Twins 8- KA-NO-PU-SU-NO-HA-KO 9- I’ll Just Go Birdwatching Paradise of Remixes 10- Akai Kutsu no Ningyo (Red-Shoed Mermaid) / Pascal Plantinga 11- Paradaisu (Imada Kuufuku) / Terre Thaemlitz 12- A/B-ing the Bird / Skist 13- Reflector / Joshua McKay *Gatefold sleeve *Includes poster & lyric sheet (36cm x 36cm) in English and Japanese. *見開き紙ジャケット仕様 *ポスター (36cm x 36cm) & 歌詞シート (日本語/英語) 付 Art Direction: MGX Photography: Hideto Uchiike Reissue & remastered CD of After Dinner’s 1989 album “Paradise of Replica” + 4 new remix tracks by Pascal Plantinga, Terre Thaemlitz, Skist, and Joshua McKay. アフター・ディナーの1989年アルバム「パラダイス・オブ・レプリカ」のリマスター/再発盤 + 4リミックス・トラック - パスカル・プラティンガ、テーリ・テムリッツ、スキスト、ジョシュア・マッケイによる新録作品 After Dinner: Haco ハコ: vocals, volley ball, tapes Yosuke Isshik 一色洋輔i: keyboards, pin-hammer piano, percussion Masahiro Kitada 北田昌彦: rhythm box and keyboards, soroba-tone, drums, guitars, toms Tadahiko Yokogawa 横川理彦: keyboard, electric bass, percussio, charango + many guest musicians. ☁ Details / 詳細 http://www.japanimprov.com/indies/badnews/replicaremix.html ♪Samples/ 試聴 https://youtu.be/TEi-SnXrnGI https://soundcloud.com/hacohacodotnet/kitchen-life-1 “Led by charismatic singer/performer Haco, After Dinner are a sublime incarnation of surreal, direct, and offbeat Japanese/European pop. The main body of this CD is a re-issue of the LP released by the Swiss label RecRec in 1989. It features astonishing swathes of ambient sound, over which Haco’s voice soars, before undertaking daring sonic manoeuvres; surround sound, backwards/sped up/reversed tape techniques. A large cast of pivotal Japanese musicians feature in the complex but charming classically driven arrangements, which are reminiscent of the Penguin Caf Orchestra. Other influences abound; Erik Satie, The Beatles, John Cage, nursery rhymes, cabaret, free jazz, traditional Japanese folk music. These are all mixed and stirred into a series of whimsical songs, almost miniatures, before being honed into searing gestures of post-ambient pop. The idea of the Haiku permeates the enterprise, with sparse lucid texts. Haco appears as the kitsch princess/poetess/pop star, acting out the role of minstrel and entertainer, as if before some ancient, but technology-obsessed, court. The CD is completed by four essential new re-mixes, which grab, rotate and oscillate bits of the album proper. The best known of the re-mixers, Terre Thaemlitz, has won the Ars Electronica Prize for electro acoustic music, and is an astonishing character in his own right. His ten minute re-composition is a stunning hypnotic reflection on key moments of the album. Joshua McKay details another more abstract, but deeply romantic, re-vision.” —RéR Megacorp (UK - December, 2001) ■ Label / レーベル ■ ReR Megacorp (ReR AD2) (UK) / Detector (MP-24) (USA) ☁ Reviews (excerpts) / レビュー (抜粋) “After Dinner was a 1980s pop vehicle for writing and performing talents of Haco, the singer who impressed audiences for Japanorama tour last January with her charismatic stage presence and effortless mastery of sonic devices such as the teapot. But unlike many of her experimental contemporaries, Haco comes across as a bone fide pop star … The original album, which owes much of its sound to keyboard player Yosuke Isshiki, is an entertaining collection of songs with eccentric and wildly changing chord progressions, put together in a clean but home-made recording that recalls every experimental production/arrangement technique you’ve ever heard, from Shuggie Otis to Beck.” —John L Walters (The Guardian, UK - April 2001) "On After Dinner - Paradise of Replica: Another favourite of mine from my time DJing at Hollywood Forever cemetery. Such a great piece of music first released in 1989, and later reissued in the early 2000s. The voice on this gem is Haco who is a Japanese singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist. " —David Holmes: Late Night Tales, UK - 2016) “世界の音楽シーンに認められた伝説的ユニット、音響の魔術師であり類いまれなヴォーカリスト、HACOを中心としたアフター・ディナーの「Paradise of Reolica」が再発される。一聴すると今、流行の「うたもの」や「音響派」なんて目じゃないものがすでに89年の時点で作られていたのに驚きを覚えるだろう。伝統と前衛をを行き来するヴォーカル、多様する変拍子と豊饒な音の層、目眩がするくらい作り込まれた録音、圧倒的なクオリティで、めくるめく音の粒が迫ってくる。ひとえに音楽と言っても現代においては、ライブとCDは異なるものだ。CDは録音芸術だ。アフターディナーのアルバムは、そのことを積極的に暴露している。この世ではない場所=パラダイスで奏でられる音楽としてこのアルバムは再生機にかけられる以外、存在しえない。しかもこのパラダイスは、国籍も不明だ。” —ミッキー (Jungle Life, JP - 2001年2月)

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