Haco, Takako Minekawa, Dustin Wong, Tarnovski - Kannazuki (CD/EP/2019)
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■ Kannazuki ■
by Haco, Takako Minekawa, Dustin Wong, Tarnovski
「カンナズキ (神無月)」
HACO, 嶺川貴子, ダスティン・ウォング, タルノフスキ
Tracklist / 曲目
1- Kannazuki (18:16)
*Digipak + obi strip
*デジパック仕様 + オビ付
Cover art by Sam Balfus - http://www.sambalfus.com
Design by Taavi Kelle - http://taavi.xyz
" 'Kannazuki' - the traditional name for the tenth month of the year in the Japanese lunar calendar - is a truly unique moment, a glimpse into a one-off improvisation of a quartet of musicians (Haco, Takako Minekawa, Dustin Wong, Jára Tarnovski) which took place in Tokyo in 2017. Recorded by Hideaki Hayashidani at Nanahari, the moment is described by the musicians as a “musical adventure”, a “translucent entanglement”, and a moment of deep respect for each other.
The result is a truly exciting yet unrushed ambient piece, “an imaginative world” guided by instinct and deep listening on the part of each member of the ensemble. Dustin Wong, who mixed the record, recalls that “each track had a life of its own, each could have been a piece in itself. But when the sounds converged, they created a completely new world, a new context.” The 18 minutes of 'Kannazuki' speak for themselves, as desolate ambient landscapes dissolve and digital deep forests appear out of thin air, as robotic tropical birds are suddenly showered by colourful raindrops in the warm breeze." ーWarm Winters Ltd. (UK)
☁ Details / 詳細
Tarnovski: electronics, effects - www.gurunas.net/tarnovski.htm
Dustin Wong: guitar, effects, synthesizer - https://soundcloud.com/dustin-wong
Takako Minekawa: voice, effects, synthesizer - https://soundcloud.com/miinee-taaaa
Haco: voice, sampler, effects - www.hacohaco.net
Mixed by Dustin Wong, Los Angeles, USA
Mastered by Ondřej Ježek @ jáMOR, 2019
■ Label / レーベル ■ Warm Winters Ltd. (UK)
♪Stream "Kannazukip" / ストリーム 試聴
☁ Reviews (excerpts) / レビュー (抜粋)
"Kannazuki is made up of a singular 18-minute ambient piece guided by instinct and deep listening on the part of each member of the quartet. Dustin Wong, who mixed the record, recalls that “each track had a life of its own, each could have been a piece in itself. But when the sounds converged, they created a completely new world, a new context.” The result is a truly exciting yet unrushed ambient piece, “an imaginative world” guided by instinct and deep listening on the part of each member of the ensemble." ーby Sam Tornow (Tiny Mix Tapes, USA - June 2019) http://bit.ly/2ZXOJ6P
"日本ポストパンク期の名アヴァン・ロック・バンドAFTER DINERの一員としてのみならずソロでも精力的に活動し、2017年にLawrence English主宰レーベル「Someone Good」から発表した最新アルバム『Qoosui』が好評を博しているHaco、「Thrill Jockey」からの『Are Euphoria』(2017)に続いて昨年はGOOD WILLSMITHとの合作『Exit Future Heart』を発表している嶺川貴子とDustin Wongのデュオと、GURUN GURUNやMIOU MIOUのメンバーとしても知られるTarnovski aka Prosoxi Skylosが、コラボレート作品『Kannazuki』を6月28日にリリース。
今年3月に第1弾作品としてHRNSのフル・アルバム『Naomi』を発表したばかりの新興レーベル「Warm Winters Ltd.」から発売された同作は、4名による即興演奏を捉えたもの。シンセティックなサイファイ感とニューエイジィなネイチャー感が交差する18分強に及ぶアンビエント・チューンとなっています。ミックスはWong、マスタリングはGURUN GURUN作品にも携わるチェコのエンジニアOndřej Ježek(Jámor Studio)が担当。カヴァー・アートは3Dアニメーションの作家としても活動するヴィジュアル・アーティストSam Balfusが手がけています。" ーAVE|Corner Printingd, JP - 2019年7月) http://bit.ly/2ZZcTxJ
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