■Nova Naturo■
By Haco
Tracklist / 曲目
1- Frozen in Time
2- Spinning Lantern
3- Pendulum Feelings
4- Teardrops of Aurora
5- Lost and Found (Excursion 2)
6- A Mind Resort (Shiokaze Ver.)
7- Luna Nokto
8- New Nature
9- Myths and Facts
*Matte Laminate Jacket
*Includes thick art card.
*all mailorders receive 1.5" exclusive album can badge
Artwork by Eiichi Tosaki © 2021
アートワーク: 登崎榮一
Haco’s eighth solo album, includes collaborations with the French improvised guitarist Manuel Adnot, the drummer & pianist Tetsuji Matsuo, and the double bassist Makoto Inada, who are based in Kobe. Also on this record are Stabilo (Speaker Gain Teardrop) from the Hiroshima ambient scene, and Tarnovski (Gurun Gurun), a key figure in Czech experimental-electro music, who were involved in her previous album, “Qoosui.” And there is a collaborative track with the electronic music maestro Keiichi Sugimoto (Vegpher).
Hacoの通算8枚目ソロアルバム。参加アーティストは、フランスの即興ギタリストManuel Adnotや、関西在住のドラマー&ピアニスト松尾哲治やコントラバス奏者の稲田誠。また前作「Qoosui」で組んだ、広島のアンビエント作家stabilo (speaker gain teardrop) とチェコのエクスペリメンタル界の雄Tarnovski (Gurun Gurun) に加え、エレクトロミュージック界の第一線で活躍する杉本佳一 (Vegpher)。
☁ Details / 詳細
Specific website of Nova Naturo
☞ http://www.hacohaco.net/haco/nova_naturo.html
♪Stream “Nova Naturo” / ストリーム 試聴
Music videos / ミュージック・ビデオ
■ Label / レーベル ■ Someone Good/Room40 (AU)
国内配給:Inpartmaint Inc. (JP)
“On Nova Naturo, Japan’s Haco expands her already divergent song craft into a zone that meshes field record-ing, electronics and layers of floating voice into an imagined sound environment that encourages a sense of a deepened interior terrain. Haco’s work in groups including the now legendary After Dinner and Hoahio have earned her a unique and respected position in the Japanese music communities, but it is with her solo work that she has unlocked an utterly unique and deeply personal approach to sound.
Drawing inspiration from mythologies surrounding ideas of rebirth, Nova Naturo propagates a sense of ambience, but arrives at this sensation without dwelling in the aesthetics of ambient music. Rather, Haco combines unexpected elements, and uses these combinations to refocus our ears and invites us to listen closely, but with a sense of relaxation. This record is not a labour and instead suggests a kind of release from labour, an open-ing out into place, into the human experience of exploration and the rewards that come to those present in the moment. “ ーSomeone Good
「HACOは、深淵な内的領域へと導くような、心に描いた音風景ーフィールドレコーディングやエレクトロニクスや幾層にも重ねたヴォイスで編みだされた曲作りを展開している。本作「NOVA NATURO」では、さらにその世界感が拡がっている。彼女の作品群は、伝説的アヴァンポップ・バンドAFTER DINNERやHOAHIOなどの活動を通じて、比類なきレスペクトを獲得しているが、ソロ作品として音に対する深くユニークかつパーソナルなアプローチが、ここでは解き放たれている。
新生 (rebirth) にまつわる神話などのインスピレーションから描かれているNOVA NATUROは、アンビエント・ミュージック美学の枠におさまらないところに帰着している、にもかかわらずアンビエンス感は増殖している。むしろHACOは、意外性のある要素を結合させ、これらの組み合わせで私たちの耳を開かせ、リラクゼーション感覚をもって、耳をそばだたせるように誘っている。このレコードは努力ではなく、ある種努力からの解放のすすめ。心の成長、人生の探究の経験やこの瞬間に存在していることへのご褒美。」ーSomeone Good
“A voice is floating, almost within reach, travelling as if a physical being, moving far away yet always here, so close as to be inside, spinning inside each lantern, flickering light.”
ーDavid Toop
秘密のNova Naturo。
☁ Reviews & Interview (excerpts) / レビュー & インタビュー (抜粋)
"Nova Naturo is a mini masterpiece or spectral and aural delights. "ーBrad Rose (Foxy Digitalis, USA - April 2021)
"I got enchanted by her album “Qoosui” some years ago, and that listening was the sparkle for our first talk in 2017. After four years, Haco‘s music gently touched again my eardrum and my soul by her forthcoming album “Nova Naturo” (out on 18th June on Room40‘s sister label Someone Good) to the point that I decided to reprise the talk with this talented Japanese singer, lyricist, and composer, that someone knows for having founded the legendary avant-pop group After Dinner, one of the first Japanese bands who toured out of Japan and who were praised for the level of their music by renowned zines like NME and Melody Maker in the 80ies. Enjoy Haco’s words and sounds."
ーVito Camarretta (Chain D.L.K., USA - May, 2021)
Other Items
- VA - The Rough Guide To Avant-garde Japan (CD/Album/2021)
- 2,300 JPY
- Diane Labrosse + Martin Tétreault + Haco - Lunch in Nishinomiya (CD/Album/2005)
- 1,800 JPY
- VA - Haunted Weather (2-CD/Album/2004)
- 3,000 JPY
- Marcos Fernandes & Bill Horist - Jerks and Creeps (CD/Album/2007)
- 1,000 JPY
- Haco, Takako Minekawa, Dustin Wong, Tarnovski - Kannazuki (CS/EP/2019)
- 1,200 JPY
- VA - 25 (CD/Album/2010)
- 825 JPY