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Haco - Qoosui (CD/Album/2017)【+Digital Album & 1 bonus track】(+デジタルアルバム & ボーナス1曲)

2,500 JPY

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■Qoosui■ By Haco 「クースイ」 HACO Tracklist / 曲目 1- Kusui 2- Tidal 3- White Letter from Heaven 4- Circle 5- Seiren 6- Anesthesia Love 7- Shooting Stars in Your Eyes *This Limited CD edition includes DOWNLOAD CODE of DIGITAL ALBUM + 1 bonus track “Anesthesia Love (Homeopathic Mix by Tarnovski)”. *High-quality download in MP3, WAV (24bit) and more. *The digital album includes lyric text in English and Japanese. *The physical download code is enveloped in plastic sleeve for the disc. *この限定CDエディションは、デジタルアルバム + ボーナス1曲「アネスティジア・ラブ (ホメオパシック・ミックス by タルノフスキ」のダウンローコード付。 *ダウンロードは高音質のMP3、WAV (24ビット)、等を選択できる仕様。 *デジタルアルバムには、日本語と英語の歌詞テキストが付属。 *ディスク保護用ビニール袋に、ダウンロードコードのカード封入。 *Matte Laminate Jacket マット加工・紙ジャケット *Includes thick art card. *厚紙アートカード付 Artwork by Masakazu Fukuta © 2017 アートワーク: 福田真知 Haco’s seventh solo album, includes collaborations with Stabilo (Speaker Gain Teardrop) and Gallery Six, masters of the Hiroshima ambient scene, and Tarnovski (Gurun Gurun), a key figure in Czech experimental-electro music. Hacoの通算7枚目ソロアルバム。広島アンビエントシーンを代表する stabilo (speaker gain teardrop) と Gallery Six、チェコのエクスペリメンタル・エレクトロシーンを牽引する Tarnovski (Gurun Gurun) がコラボ参加。 ♪Stream “Qoosui” / ストリーム 試聴 https://haco-sound.bandcamp.com/album/qoosui Music videos / ミュージック・ビデオ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvU5e4jZ18U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2Fm6xML6H8 ■ Label / レーベル ■ Haco Bandcamp (JP) / Someone Good/Room40 (AU) / Yacca / Inpartmaint Inc. (JP) ☁ Details / 詳細 http://www.hacohaco.net/haco/qoosui-credts.html "weightless, blissful, but also flightless - always connected to the body whose aurality must be blocked to survive its seduction. This tender voice calls from far away yet from a place we all know, stretched on filaments strung through clouds of condensation, the clinking jigsaw of melting ice, soft flows of breath and dawn mists that speak through water insects and dreaming." ーDavid Toop 「無重力で多幸感にあふれ、しかし飛べない―絶えず、そそのかしを阻むにちがいない聴覚をもった身体とつながっている。この柔らかで優しい声は、はるか遠方から。けれどもわたしたち皆が知る所の、液状の雲の合間からぴんと張り渡されたくも糸、溶けた氷がチリンと鳴るジグゾー、吐息の穏やかな流れ、水中の虫や夢想がうごめく曙の靄 (もや) を介して、呼びかける。」ーデイヴィッド・トュープ ☁ Reviews (excerpts) / レビュー (抜粋) "Haco refers to her voice as being “see through” and “like mist”, which is perfect. In fact, the whole of Qoosui is driven by this tentative adherence to form, pouring guitars into basins of field recording and evaporated electronics, speculating about what the shapes might mean as they swirl in and out of possibility. There are no hard and irrefutable surfaces, and throughout Haco’s dream-led ventures into space and sun and snow, reality never comes to curb the fantastical forms of what might be." ーJack Chuter (ATTN:Magazine, UK - September 2017) "Listening "Qoosui" feels like stepping into a dream or drowning in clouds of perfume. This is a siren song of an album, drawing the listener deeper and deeper into uncharted territories." ーRobert Barry (The Wire, UK - October 2017) “This is, in many respects, the source and heart of Qoosui: inspired by spirit voices, Haco becomes one. The medium is the message on every level." ーChristopher Nosnibor (Aural Aggravation, UK - October 2017) "An hypnotic, lush and beautiful album of sound and lilting voice from the Japanese vocalist and electronic experimenter Haco (After Dinner), seven songs of subtle sophistication that create dreamlike environments of floating tones and invoking voice, refined from decades of experimentation and investigation to yield this enchanting album." ーSquidCo, US - October 2017) http://www.hacohaco.net/haco/qoosui-reviews_1.html

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